2020-2021 YOTM Colorways
Hello Friends!!
This is the spot where I will post the YOTM past color ways. That way you have an idea of what has been dyed previously :) These are only available to club members. Once I get a stockpile of extras, I will offer the extras to members only. I will send out an email to members allowing time for purchases. Only then, IF there are any leftovers, will they be put in the shop. However, once they are gone, they are gone. They will not be dyed again!!
A new color way will be added each month. The current month is sent out by the 25th, for example, April YOTM would be sent by April 25th. The photo for April would post on May 1st. Etc...
March 2020 - Maiden Voyage - 8 Stripe Yarn
April 2020 - Good In Every Day - 16 Stripe Yarn
May 2020 - Peony In Love - 8 Stripe Yarn
June 2020 - Cottagecore - 8 Stripe Yarn
July - Stay Humble and Kind - 8 Stripe Yarn
August - Channel the Flannel - 10 Stripe Yarn
September - October Is My Favorite Color - 10 Stripe Yarn
October - Honeycrisp
November - Toasted Marshmallow Latte
December - Yesteryear
January - Oh! Happy Day!
February 2021 --- NOTE!!!! I skipped this month for labeling purposes only. The skein that would have been labeled February, is actually March so that the skein is labeled to coincide with the month you receive it :) NO one missed out on a skein :)
March 2021 - Venus Slipper
April 2021 - Fresh Lilacs