Subscription Tips
Q -- How do I log into my account?
A -- In the top right of this page it says "Account". Click here to log in. If you have never created an account, that's ok. Create one now, and be sure to use the same email address you used to sign up for your subscription.
Q -- How do I manage my YOTM subscriptions?
A -- Log into your account on, click on Manage Subscriptions. Click the See More Details button on the club you are wanting to view.
From there, you can update an address, edit your payment method, and pause or cancel your subscription.
IMPORTANT: If you need to update your address it will only update it for FUTURE orders. If you need a current order to be shipped to a different address, please email me at with the new address so I can update the current order.
You can see what you are subscribed to and if it is active or not. You can see the Upcoming, Scheduled, and History. Under the Upcoming and Scheduled button, you can see each upcoming month. From there, you can skip a month should you want to.
Q -- How do I cancel my YOTM subscription?
A -- Log into your account on, click on Manage subscriptions and from there you can cancel.
Q -- Want a different club to replace the one you currently have?
A -- No need to cancel. Just log into your account on and click on Manage Subscriptions. Click on See More Details and choose swap. Choose the new club you'd like instead. This will take effect on the 1st of the month after you swap. You will see the date it will begin.
Q -- I am being charged for two different transactions for multiple club memberships. Can they be combined to save on shipping?
A -- Yes. Log into your account on, click on Manage Subscriptions. Click on See More Details on one of your subscriptions. Right under the Schedules button, there is an Add Product Button. Click that, then choose Add to Subscription. Choose the product in your other subscription and complete. Repeat for each subscription you want to combine.
IMPORTANT:: Once they are combined, go back to your list of subscriptions and cancel the ones you just added, the individual ones. When you are done, you should have just one active subscription with all the products you are subscribed to. The combined transactions will begin on the 1st of the month following your edits.
If you'd like me to do this for you instead, please send me an email at with the subject COMBINE SUBSCRIPTIONS.
Q -- Can I add more than one subscription to my cart at one time?
A -- Yes! This will combine your shipment and save you on shipping costs!
Q -- Can I add other in stock products to my cart with my subscriptions?
A -- Yes, however those in stock items will not ship until the subscription does.
Q -- If I sign up for a subscription, can I get a refund if I cancel?
A -- No. Once you place your order for the YOTM, that order cannot be cancelled. You can however, cancel any future shipments/payments.
Q - My question isn't answered here?
A -- Please email me at with your question and I will respond as soon as I can. This is usually with in 24 hours Monday - Friday.